Welcome to Burkiniremsa.com. Before you start shopping on our website, we recommend that you review the following terms and conditions. All transactions you perform through our website are evaluated within the following articles. Therefore, it is important that you know about these substances.

If you are looking for shipping & returning terms, please see: https://www.burkiniremsa.com/distance-sales-agreement/

Terms and conditions on our website may change periodically. When you share your personal data with our website, we may inform you about these changes via your e-mail address.

When you make any transaction through our website, you agree to all the terms on our website. All information, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, audio, video, message or other material on our website are licensed by burkiniremsa.com and are owned by burkiniremso.com. Any information, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, audio, video, message or other material on our website may not be used, copied or shared by another person or by any other entity. In such a case, burkiniremsa.com may seek the right through legal means. As a result of violations of conditions such as domestic and / or international copyright laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, burkiniremsa.com may use the relevant institution or person.

Comments and Feedbacks

All comments and feedback made by users for products or services within the site of burkiniremsa.com are legally the digital property of burkiniremsa.com. burkiniremsa.com may use these comments for any commercial purpose, without infringing any privacy or security conditions. However, the comments made for any product on the website burkiniremsa.com are the sole responsibility of the commentator. Burkiniremsa.com is not responsible for the criminal elements in the comments or different illegal situations.

Therefore, burkiniremsa.com does not have to pay compensation to any person or institution or give any testimony about these comments. Users are responsible for their comments. Our website has no responsibility for ensuring the privacy and security of these comments.

You agree that the content you submit to our site as a comment is within the community guidelines. Otherwise, our editors can post your comments. Burkiniremsa.com does not accept any responsibility if the comments are published.

If you participate in any promotion, lottery or other activity on our site, you agree to the use of your personal information for different legal purposes, primarily for advertising purposes. Your information may be used for marketing or promotional purposes. You agree that your personal information may be used for advertising purposes if you wish to receive promotional updates of the products on our website or if you wish to be aware of the different developments on our website.


By sharing your personal data with us when you create a membership on your web site burkiniremsa.com, or when you log in to our website’s e-mail subscription, you agree to our continuous contact with you for promotional information purposes. You accept the right to send advertising emails containing information about our current promotions and new products at regular intervals to your e-mail address.

Due to the nature of our work, some of the products at burkiniremsa.com may contain typographical errors, incorrect product information, or incorrect product photos. In the event of such editorial errors, burkiniremsa.com reserves the right to change and update content without notice to users. Burkiniremsa.com does not accept any responsibility for problems caused by changes in the contents. Even if you have placed your order, changes caused by such updates may not result in a charge of burkiniremsa.com.

This Terms and Conditions Agreement by burkiniremsa.com may only be terminated by burkiniremsa.com. Therefore, the contract will be canceled only as a result of the termination of our company or if the burkiniremsa.com website is actually destroyed. In all other conditions, the exchange of all articles of the contract can only be performed by burkiniremsa.com.

If you do not comply with the provisions of this agreement offered by burkiniremsa.com, our company will seek its rights through legal means. Before or during this process, our company reserves the right to block your access to the website.

Promotions, sweepstakes or other events on our website may only take place within the framework of the rules set by our company. The rules of all events can be canceled or changed by burkiniremsa.com without any explanation. All regulations regarding the rules belong to our company.

Color and Appearance

We are working harder every day to improve the quality of your shopping experience on our site. However, the monitors on which you can view our website may be different. This will cause the appearance of our website to be different. Please note that there may be a 5 percent margin of error before shopping. You will be deemed to have accepted this in your purchases.