For Users

How to Buy a Burkini from Our Store

Peahen Wings Burkini

Since we got too many questions about purchasing a product from our store, I am going to provide a guide for you on this page. I hope it is going to be useful for you. Please contact us with any questions.

Let’s say you liked a burkini (Burkini Amazon) and cover-up/caftan (Burkini Amazon Caftan) in our store and you would like to purchase it. You will need to do the following steps for it.

Step 1 – Select Color and Size of the Product

You will need to select a color and size on the product page. as same as we have shown in the picture below. If you are not sure about your sizes, you can mail to [email protected] and tell our staff your height (cm) and weight (kg) to learn your sizes for our products.

Please ensure that you have selected color if it is even a singular selection. Otherwise, you can’t go further.

Step 2 – Add Product to the Cart

You selected the size and color for your product. Now you are ready to add products to your cart. All you need to do is clicking/tapping onto the “add to cart button”.

Step 3 – Continue Shopping or Go to Payment

After you add a product to the cart, two options will appear as same as on the picture we have shown you below. You can go on to shopping in our store or you can go to the payment section. If you prefer to go to payment section you will need to skip Step 6 on this page. If you want to go on shopping, you can follow all steps below.

Step 4 – Buying a Cover-Up (Aka Caftan)

Now, you are done with Burkini and you want to buy a caftan, you tapped on “continue shopping” and return to the page. You will need to go to the caftan page to purchase the product. You can find all caftans in the cover-ups category in our website. Please find your favorite cover-up there and click on the product image on the category page.

Step 5 – Click on Add to Cart Button for Caftans

You don’t need to select product color or size for caftans. Our sizes are mostly standard for cover-ups. So all you need to do is clicking on the “add to cart button”.

Step 6 – Tap on View Cart to Go to Payment

Are you done with your shopping? So you are ready to go to payment section. You will need to click on “View Cart” button after you add product to the cart.

Step 7 – Proceed to Checkout

Before you proceed to checkout, we recommend you select a shipment type. If you have a discount coupon, please apply it. After you complete these procedures, you can click on the “Proceed to Checkout” button now.

Step 8 – Fill Billing and Shipment Details Correctly

One of the most common problems we are having with customers is the shipment address they provided us. They are generally using abbreviations while they are providing addresses. The shipment company (DHL Express) is unable to find those addresses. So there can be a long delay time because of this. We recommend you provide clean and correct shipment details.

Step 9 – Accept Terms and Go to Payment

You will need to accept terms to go to the payment section. Please read our terms and then mark it as we have shown in the picture below. Then click on the Payment button.

Step 10 – Enter Your Card Info Correctly and You are Done!

Please enter your card information in the payment section correctly. Enter your credit card information and then click on the “Pay $” button as shown below.